De IKC Academy is de wetenschappelijke tak van de stichting Islam Kennis Centrum. Want met juiste wetenschappelijk onderbouwde kennis, bereiken we sneller ons grotere doel.

Het doel van de IKC Academy

De alledaagse islam en de moslims in de Nederlandse samenleving verdienen een kwalitatieve analyse door middel van academisch veldonderzoek, interviews en observatie. De IKC Academy probeert dit te doen.

Eveneens door oplossingen te bieden voor de problemen van moslims die samenhangen met samenleven door gebruik te maken van de gegevens die de ervaren medewerkers van de IKC Academy uit het veld hebben verkregen.

Het zet concrete stappen door gebruik te maken van kritisch en creatief denken bij het bepalen van het probleem en het oplossen ervan. Het biedt theoretische en praktische handvatten voor formele en informele onderwijsinstellingen en speelt een actieve rol bij de implementatie ervan.

De IKC Academy deelt haar bevindingen en oplossingen met academici van nationale en internationale platforms, en maakt gebruik van de ervaring van deze netwerken en ontwikkelt samen met hen gezamenlijke projecten.

Membership and partners

REA: Religious Education Association

ISREV: International Seminar on Religious Education and Values

NICMCR: Netherlands-Indonesia Consortium for Muslim-Christian Relations

Artikel 1: Midden Nederland voor gelijke behandeling tegen discriminatie.

ENRECA: European Network or Religious Education through Contextual Approaches

Conference proceedings and workshops

Avest, I. ter & Ö. Gurlesin (2017). Levensbeschouwing in de ‘society of mind’ – radicale fanatiekeling of fanatiek radicaal? Workshop op studiedag Haagse Hogeschool. 17 november.

Akdag, M., Ö. Gurlesin, I. ter Avest, A. Alasag (2017) Presentatie Netherlands-Indonesia consortium.

Gürlesin, Ö. F. (2018). Multi-voiced-ness of Religious Identity. Beyond White Normativity: Creating Brave Spaces. Contribution to the Collaborative Session of REA. Washington, DC.

Gürlesin, Ö., I. ter Avest, A. Alasag, M. Akdag (2018). Diversity in an Era of Polarization, contribution to the conference ‘Diversity in Higher Education’. Februari 2-3 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Gürlesin, Ö., I. ter Avest, A. Alasag, M. Akdag (2018). An exploration of religious identity development of Dutch-Turkish Muslims, contribution to the conference ‘British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group Annual Conference (SOCREL). July 10-12 10th

Gürlesin, Ö., Ina ter Avest, M. Akdag, Alper Alasag, (2018). Acculturation and the Dialogical formation of young muslim identity: development of an intervention based on Dialogical Self Theory (DST), and its implementation. Presentation 10th DST conference, Braga, June.

Gürlesin, Ö., Ina ter Avest, M. Akdag, Alper Alasag, ISREV, (2018). ‘Wise men’s chess’, a serious play to stimulate religious development of muslim youngsters, contribution to the ‘International Seminar on Religious Education and Values Session XXI’, Nurnberg, July 29th – August 3rd.

Gürlesin, Ö. (2019). Multi-voiced-ness of religious identity: inner conflicts between extremist and moderate voices in one’s society of mind. The sample of Dutch Turkish Muslims in the Netherlands. Seeking the Middle Path (Al-Wasaṭiyya): Articulations of Moderate Islam. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit, 19th of June.

Gürlesin, Ö. F. (2019). Transformation of friday sermons in an era of nationalism: functionalization of religion, now and in a challenged future. Contribution to the ENRECA conference, Facing the Unknown Future: Religion and Education on the Move. Utrecht University, 8th – 10th April.

Ter Avest, I., Gürlesin, Ö., & Alasag, A. (2019). Prevention of Radicalization of Muslim youngsters; an inventory of emotional commitments to the Dutch plural society. Seeking the Middle Path (Al-Wasaṭiyya): Articulations of Moderate Islam. Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit, 19th of June.

Gürlesin, Ö. F., Ter Avest, I., Alasag, A., & Kurt, I. (2019). Dialogical formation of young muslim identity; Piloting an intervention based on dialogical self theory (DST). The ESITIS Conference, The Hope and Despair of Religions: Exploring the Nexus of Theory and Praxis. Sarajevo.

Alasag, A., Aves, I. ter, Gürlesin, Ö., & Kurt, İ. (2019). Pedagogies of difference: (secularized) Christian and Islamic perspectives. In REA: Coexistence in Diveded Societies: Pedagogies of the Sacred, of Difference,and of Hope. 1-3 November in Toronto, Ontario.

Kurt, I., Ter Avest, I., Gürlesin, Ö., & Alasag, A. (n.d.). Normative Citizenship Education in Plural Societies. International Conference, Religion, Democracy and Citizenship, 10-13 October 2019 in Würzburg.


Akdağ, M., Gürlesin, Ö. F., Ter Avest, I., & Alasağ, A. (2018). Playful Religious Education – Towards Inclusive Religious Education: A Light-Hearted Way for Young People to Develop a Religious Life Orientation. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue, 29(1), 103–123.

Gürlesin, Ö. F. (2019). Major Socio–Political Factors that Impact on the Changing Role, Perception and Image of Imams among Dutch–Turkish Muslims. Education Sciences, Vol. 9.

(forthcoming) Gürlesin, Ö. F. (2020). Transformation of friday sermons in an era of nationalism: functionalization of religion Turkey and the Netherlands, now and in a challenged future. In C. Bakker & I. ter Avest (Eds.), Facing the Unknown Future: Religion and Education on the Move. Waxmann.